The occasion that brought together sports lovers and icons of the sporting field like His excellency Roger Millar, Pierre Wome, Francoise Mbango and more was the occasion for athletes of the Presidential Guard to rub shoulders in football, marathon resistance races and more as part of the activities organized by the elite corps to promote cohesion and fraternity among the soldiers.
The ceremony was marked by the award of special prizes to the participating teams and personnel, both who won or lost in the different sports with the 22 disciplines receiving 88 trophies and 1117 medals, an action that placed at the forefront fare play instead of victory.
Amongst the athletes of these yearsβ competition were soldiers who graduated from the Minkama Presidential Guard Training Centre on December 18, 2024, bringing in fresh abilities within the plethora of the competitions that were carried out.
These shared moments are precious and remind us of the place that sporting activities occupy in galvanizing and boosting the moral of the troop of the presidential guard.