- The Army Staff is placed under the authority of the Chief of Staff of the Army.
Appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. He is assisted by the Major General of the Army Staff in charge of coordination, appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. The responsibilities of the Chief of Staff of the Army are set out in specific regulations.
- The following report directly to the Chief of Staff of the French Army :
- The Private Secretary to the Chief of Staff of the Army
- Technical inspection;
- Army Communications Office:
- Military Security Office:
- the Civil-Military Action Advisor :
- the Historical Service ;
- Army Forces;
the Army Training and Accommodation Centres (see Decree no. 2015/27l of 15 June 2015 on the creation and organisation of the Army Training and Accommodation Centres).
Under the authority of a Head of the Head of Private Secretary appointed by order of the President of the Republic, the Secrétariat Particulier is responsible for matters reserved for the Chief of Staff of the French Army.
It comprises :
- The reserved affairs office
- The liaison office.
- The Technical Inspectorate is placed under the authority of a Technical Inspector, an officer appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. The Technical Inspectorate is assisted by Research Officers and Assistant Research Officers, officers appointed by decree of the President of the Republic.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the officers referred to in paragraph 1 above are laid down by specific texts.
- The Technical Inspectorate is responsible for :
- checking the conditions under which equipment is used;
- checking the storage conditions for equipment, spare parts and ammunition;
- checking the maintenance conditions for equipment and infrastructure assigned to the Army.
- The Technical Inspector carries out inspections on the basis of a programme approved by the Chief of Staff of the Army. These inspections are carried out on a planned basis in all areas. However, on the orders of the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Technical Inspector may carry out unannounced inspections.
- Each inspection mission is the subject of a detailed report in which the Technical Inspector reports to the Chief of Staff of the Army of his findings and makes any useful proposals for improving the conditions of use, storage and maintenance of equipment and infrastructure.
- A copy of the Technical Inspector’s report is sent to the Minister of Defence and another to the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces by the Chief of Staff of the Army, together with his comments.
- The Army Technical Inspectorate comprises
- the Secretariat ;
- the General Resources Office.
- Placed under the authority of an Antenna Chief, an officer appointed by order of the President of the Republic. The Army Communications Centre is responsible for :
- informing Army personnel ;
- promoting the Army’s corporate image.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the Head of Communications are set out in specific texts.
The Army Communications Office comprises:- the secretariat ;
- the Information/Press office.
- Placed under the authority of a Head of Unit, an officer appointed by order of the President of the Republic, the Military Security Unit of the French Army is responsible for :
- protecting confidentiality
- combating interference :
- protecting morale.
- The Military Security Branch comprises :
- the secretariat :
- the Secrecy and Personal Protection Office;
- the Morale Office.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the Head of the Military Security Branch are set out in specific regulations.
- A Civil-Military Action Advisor, a civilian officer or civil servant appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, is placed at the disposal of the Chief of Staff of the Army for the design and implementation of measures aimed at improving relations between the Army and the population.
- His rank and prerogatives are set out in specific texts.
- Placed under the authority of a Head of Service assisted by Chargés d’Etudes Assistants, officers appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, the Historical Service of the Army is responsible, in liaison with the relevant departments of other administrations, for :
- compiling the history of the Army Forces;
- regulating military traditions
- codifying military habits and customs;
- supplying and maintaining the Museums;
- archiving written and audiovisual documents.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the officers referred to in paragraph 1 are laid down in specific regulations.
- The Land Army Historical Service comprises:
- the Historical Office;
- the office of Military Traditions, Uses and Customs;
- the Museums Office.
- The Army Major General has an Administrative Service.
- Placed under the authority of a Head of Service, an officer appointed by order of the President of the Republic, the Major General’s Administrative Service comprises:
– the secretariat
– the mail office
– the translation office;
– the documentation and archives office.
- In accordance with the directives of the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Major General. Major General coordinates the action of :
– the Assistant Chief of Staff Human Resources;
– the Assistant Chief of Staff Operations;
– the Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics;
– the Army Staff Company.
- The Assistant Chiefs of Staff of the French Army are each responsible for the design, programming and execution of the missions entrusted to them, with the agreement of the Chief of Staff of the Army.
- The Deputy Head of Human Resources is responsible for assessing staffing requirements, training, development and management of staff, as well as the design, construction and maintenance of the necessary infrastructure.
- The following are placed under its authority
– the Human Resources Office;
– the Training and Schools Office; and
– the Infrastructure Office.- The “Human Resources” Office is placed under the authority of a Head of Office, an officer appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, assisted by Chargés d’Etudes and Chargés d’Etudes Assistants, officers appointed by decree of the President of the Republic.
- The Human Resources Office is responsible for
– organisation of personnel and chancellery;
– recruitment of personnel
– personnel management.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the officers referred to in paragraph 1 above are laid down by specific regulations.
- The Training and Schools Office is placed under the authority of a Head of Office, an officer appointed by decree of the President of the Republic.
- The Training Office is responsible for the training and further training of Army personnel.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the officer referred to in paragraph l above are laid down by specific texts.
- The Infrastructure Office is placed under the authority of a Head of Office appointed by decree of the President of the Republic.
- The Infrastructure Office is responsible for :
– studies, infrastructure required by personnel ;
– the construction and maintenance of – – these infrastructures in conjunction with the relevant departments of the Ministry of Defence.
- The Deputy Head of Operations is responsible for training forces and programming the build-up of Army Forces. Adapting military tools to the environment and available technology.
- The following are placed under his authority
– the Employment and Coordination Office
– the Plans Office
– the Communications-Electronics-IT Office.
- The Employment and Coordination Office is responsible for :
– preparing the Army’s forces.
– monitoring Army Forces during operational activities.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the officers referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be set by specific regulations.
- The “Plans” Office is placed under the authority of a Head of Office, an officer appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, assisted by Research Officers and Assistant Research Officers, officers appointed by order of the President of the Republic.
- The Plans Office is responsible for:
– programming and increasing the power of the Army Forces;
– the permanent adaptation of the Army Forces to the environment and available technology.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the officers referred to in paragraph 1 above are laid down by specific texts.
- The “Deputy Head of Logistics” is responsible for designing support for the Forces, and for drawing up and implementing the budget in liaison with the relevant departments of the Ministry of Defence.
- The following are placed under its authority :- the Logistics Office;
– the Budget and Finance Office
– the Commissariat Office
– the Equipment Office.
- The Logistics Office is under the authority of a Head of Office, an officer appointed by decree of the President of the Republic.
- The Logistics Office is responsible for :
- drawing up manpower and staffing tables for units and formations ;
- centralising the Army’s requirements:
- the design and implementation of logistical support for Army formations.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the officer referred to in paragraph 1 above are laid down by specific texts.
- The Budget and Finance Office is placed under the authority of a Head of Office, an officer appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, assisted by study officers and assistant study officers, officers appointed by decree of the President of the Republic.
- The Budget and Finance Office is responsible for drawing up and implementing the Army’s budget.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the officers referred to in paragraph 1 above are laid down by specific texts.
- The Office of the Commissariat is placed under the authority of a Head of Office, an officer appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, assisted by Research Officers and Assistant Research Officers, officers appointed by decree of the President of the Republic.
- The Commissariat Office is responsible for :- personnel administration
– Clothing, camping, bedding and furnishings;
– feeding the personnel.
- The ranks and prerogatives of the officers referred to in paragraph 1 above are set out in specific regulations.
- The Equipment Office is placed under the authority of a Head of Office.This is an officer appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, assisted by Research Officers and Assistant Research Officers, officers appointed by decree of the President of the Republic.
- The Equipment Office is responsible for :
– equipment accounting
– equipment maintenance
- The internal organisation of the Army Staff offices is set out in specific texts.
- The personnel and equipment on duty at the Army Staff are grouped together in an Army Staff Company.
- The personnel of this unit take part in garrison service.
Organisation chart of the Army Staff