Presentation of the National Gendarmerie

the Gendarmerie is an integral part of the Defense Forces. It is one of the oldest components of the Cameroonian Defense Forces. It was created by Decree 60/280 of 12/31/1960, following the merger of the Cameroonian Guard and the Auxiliary Corps of the French Overseas Gendarmerie.

The Cameroonian Gendarmerie offers various specialties and qualifications. For this purpose, it recruits young Cameroonians without distinction of gender, through competitive examinations and offers career profiles for non-commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers and officers.

The Technical and Logistics Directorate is the heart of technical professionalization in the National Gendarmerie. The young recruit can flourish through the specialties of automobiles, hot and cold, carpentry, boilermaking, welding, electromechanics, ball making, masonry, sewing , electricity, IT, communication, interpreting, etc…


The COG Gendarmerie Operational Centers (located in each Legion headquarters) allow you to contact the Gendarmerie in the event of distress by calling 113.

Through this free call, switchboard operators available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week will guide you through an intervention by a Gendarmerie patrol. Since 2010, the date of their creation, the Gendarmerie Operational Centers have helped more than a million people.

These Centers are the pride of the National Gendarmerie.


To request help or assistance

To denounce any act of corruption or prevarication,



The Cameroonian National Gendarmerie, whose origins date back to January 4, 1920, is one of the oldest forces established in Cameroon. With the advent of independence in 1960, the rapid evolution of the young State will largely influence its organization with the creation of a body of auxiliaries of the Gendarmerie recruited locally. It is therefore through the merger of the auxiliaries of the French Gendarmerie and the local Forces of the Cameroonian Guard that the Cameroonian Gendarmerie was officially created on April 1, 1960.


The Gendarmerie carries out three main categories of police missions: administrative, judicial and military. The administrative police, which must guarantee safety, tranquility and the maintenance of public order for which the Gendarmerie remains responsible for execution, covers 30% of the Gendarmerie’s missions. The judicial police represent approximately 50% of the missions entrusted to the Gendarmerie. Its purpose is to record violations of criminal law, to gather evidence, to seek out the perpetrators in order to bring them to justice, and to execute warrants and court decisions. Finally, the military police are the intermediary between the military authority and the citizens; The Gendarmerie exercises both military police in general with a preventive nature and military judicial police with a repressive vocation.

Other missions

The Gendarmerie is also an execution body for numerous other missions devolved to different ministerial departments such as the economic police (control of licenses, prices, etc.), the investigation of customs infractions, the control of road traffic, the surveillance of air navigation, aerodromes and maritime navigation. They vary depending on peacetime or wartime. In peacetime, the Gendarmerie collaborates with the Defense Forces in matters of intelligence and is associated with the implementation of mobilization measures. In times of war, it participates in the internal defense of the territory.


Structured according to its missions and the administrative organization of the national territory, the Gendarmerie is an integral part of the Defense Forces. The military nature of its statutes and the mixed nature of its service, both civil and military, give it the power to constantly ensure the research of intelligence, the direct action of the judicial, administrative and military police through the network of 05 Regions. , 11 Legions including 10 spread over the 10 administrative Regions and an eleventh located in the Logone and Chari department, Far North Region, 06 Territorial Gendarmerie Groups, 05 Road Traffic Groups, 75 Territorial Gendarmerie Companies, 444 Brigades and 165 Gendarmerie posts.

The Cameroonian Gendarmerie also participates in maintaining order through 06 Mobile Squadron Groups, 38 Mobile Squadrons and 167 Mobile Platoons. It is also available to other ministerial departments as part of its missions and in accordance with regulations. A force of protection, assistance and relief of populations par excellence, its action is exercised over the entire extent of the national territory and more particularly in rural areas and all communication routes.

Organizational chart

In the news

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