The officer, a referential value, and his recruitment, the culmination of a long process: with the 2024 oral test phase, the HR Department will have won the challenge of organizing the EMIA entrance exam from start to finish.
1671 young Cameroonians who had previously successfully faced the tests of summary medical examinations, sport, written tests, and who had been declared fit at the end of the in-depth medical examinations, were faced with a high-quality jury to take part in the oral admission tests for the 41st promotion of the Joint Military School (EMIA), from February 5 to 21, 2024.

The purpose of this work, which was personally chaired by the SG/MINDEF, assisted by members of the various selection boards assigned to the task, was to submit to the oral tests the candidates declared eligible at the end of the in-depth medical examinations. They consisted of an interview of about 05 minutes, with the jury, on questions of a general nature in order to proceed with the final attribution of a mark.

In view of the size of the candidates, the members of the selection boards were divided into two groups. The work of these groups was held from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. for the first group and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. for the second group.

It should be noted, for the sake of clarification, that there were 3258 of those candidates at the beginning of the selection process, 1996 admitted to the in-depth medical examinations and 1671 candidates admitted to take part in the oral tests.  The aim of the said tests was to detect in the candidate his seriousness, his real level of culture, his knowledge and his skills received during or halfway through his academic training.

Guardians of the excellence and integrity of the Defence Forces in general and of the Joint Military School of Yaoundé in particular, the various members of the juries have endeavoured to pay particular attention to each candidate, whether he or she is from the “A”, “B1”, “C” or “B2(b)” core, in order to evaluate them all and respectively on their presentation,  their understanding of the subject, their speaking and their personality.

These tests, which will allow the future residents of the Joint Military School to be consecrated, ended under a note of satisfaction from the senior hierarchy as to the work done tirelessly by the teams of the Human Resources Department deployed for the occasion in the arteries of this prestigious officer training school.


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