Cameroon and Congo in phase for military cooperation based on skills sharing.
The morning of Tuesday 19 March 2024 was marked by the visit of a large Congolese delegation led by Rear Admiral René NGANONGO, Chief of Staff of the Congolese Navy, to the Human Resources Department between 9 and 10 am.

The Colonel, Director of Human Resources, and his host of the day, accompanied by their closest collaborators, went over the issues at stake in the long and rich bilateral cooperation between the two countries with a fine-tooth comb, not without carefully examining the grey areas that tend to hamper the speed with which information should be processed by the two States and experience shared.

In order to intensify the nature of existing cooperation, the possibility was specifically raised of the State of Cameroon allowing Congolese officers to be integrated in the near future into the supervision of Cameroonian Cadets during their training, and vice versa, the need to make the most of the experience acquired between the two countries by implementing a win-win approach to initial and ongoing training, and to stimulate focal points within the two sister states in order to ensure that information is passed on in a timely manner through military diplomatic channels. In terms of future prospects, the two leaders looked ahead to the implementation of a working trip by a Cameroonian delegation to the Congo, which would enable Cameroonian officials to gain a first-hand experience of Congolese realities through their visits to the academies of this brotherly and friendly country, The Congolese delegation was also keen to see the benefits of sharing experience through international seminars and colloquia, and expressed the wish to be able to invite Cameroonian senior officers to their seminars and colloquia in the next few days, so that they can come and share their experience with their Congolese colleagues, and vice versa, so that they can take part in these planned activities.

This stopover, which was part of a long working trip to Cameroon, enabled the Congolese delegation to get a real feel for the Cameroonian Army’s expectations in terms of both initial and ongoing training. After nearly 60 minutes, Rear-Admiral René NGANONGO, Chief of Staff of the Congolese Navy, who was carrying a symbolic gift, was invited by the Director of Human Resources to fill in the visitors’ book, a sign of his time with the Directorate, after which the family photo brought the visit to a close.


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