A creditable performance by the Human Resources Department for its first participation in the Open Days, organised from 17 to 19 May 2024, as a prelude to the celebration of the 52nd National Unity Day.
The framework was familiar to all, but the presence of the Ministry of Defence's Human Resources Department was unusual.

For three days on the esplanade of Yaoundé’s 101 airbase, the HRD’s experienced staff made an indelible mark on what can only be described as an important meeting of give and take.

Thousands of young girls and boys, and above all curious people from all walks of life, flocked to the Human Resources Department stand to get a first-hand look at the various schemes put in place by this Ministry of Defence structure to not only facilitate the administrative procedures that affect the careers of military and civilian personnel, They were also able to find out more about career management from induction to retirement, as well as the initial and ongoing training needed to pursue a career. It was also an opportunity to emphasise the importance of discipline and respect for hierarchy as sine qua non conditions for a successful career in the Defence Forces.

The theme chosen for this 52nd celebration of national unity found its full importance in this major event which highlighted the Army-Nation tandem, proud guarantors of the institutions, by giving visitors the opportunity to find out a little more about the role and missions devolved to the HRD. On a day-to-day basis, these services ensure greater proximity to users, while at the same time guaranteeing a free public service and the utmost diligence in handling the career files of civilians and military personnel scattered across the country, defending the supreme interests of the Republic with honour and loyalty.


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