DDMI activities

Director of Military Properties and Infrastructures
Directeur des Domaines Militaires et des Infrastructures
- Date and place of birth : 21 January 1968 in Mbalmayo
- Region of origin: Adamaoua
- Civil diploma : DEUG IN LAW
- Diplomas and training courses :
– Diploma from the MEKNES/MOROCCO
military academy (ARM)
– Internship in Morocco
– Military engineering application in KENITRA, Morocco
– Peacekeeping course – EMIA
Successive grades:
- Second lieutenant:1 July 1993
- Lieutenant:1st July 1995
- Captain :1st July 1999
- Battalion Commander:1 January 2008
- Lieutenant-Colonel:1 January 2013
- Colonel:1st January 2019
Various Nominations :
- 1993: Section commander of the2nd Training and Combat Company in the Engineer Regiment (REGEN)
- 1998: Commanding Officer of the2nd REGEN Training and Combat Company
- 2006: Head of B1, B4 Staff REGEN
- 2008: Commander of the REGEN Training and Combat Group (GIC)
- 2012: Commander of the REGEN Command and Services Group
- 2013: Commander of the 11th REGEN
- 2016: Head of the EMAT Infrastructure Office
- 2017 :4th Office RMIA3 Project Manager
- 2018 : DA/DIRGEN
- 2019: COS 31st BRIM
- 2020: COM SM 5
- 2020: G23 41 BRIM
- 2021: COM SM 4
- 2021 : Director of Military Property and Infrastructure
Languages: French and English.
The Directorate of Military Property and Infrastructure, the fruit of the reform of the Armed Forces desired by the Head of State, Head of the Armed Forces, until now the Sub-Directorate of Military Estates and Infrastructures (SDDMI) of the Directorate of Budget and Equipment (DBE), is to become, by Decree No. 2001/177 of 25 July 2001 on the organisation of the Ministry of Defence, a fully-fledged Directorate with well-defined missions attached to the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Defence.
It contributes to the national development strategy within the Ministry of Defence and plays a key role in achieving its objectives in terms of identifying, registering and monitoring military land throughout the national triangle. The main aim is to put in place a general policy for the management of military estates and infrastructures in the face of growing challenges and the desire to modernise the Cameroonian army.
The Military Property and Infrastructure Directorate was created by Decree No. 2001/177 of 25 July 2001 on the organisation of the Ministry of Defence. It is a Directorate of the Ministry of Defence, previously a subdirectorate of the Budget and Equipment Directorate (DBE).
It was not until the aforementioned decree came into force that it became a department in its own right, because given the volume of its missions, it needed its own portfolio and its own management. It is therefore easy to understand the requirements of the Cameroonian State in general, and of MINDEF in particular, with regard to this department, which is expected to perform well.
In addition to this requirement, the Ministry of Defence also needs to achieve its property and infrastructure objectives.
- 2001 Creation of the Directorate of Military Estates and Infrastructure (Decree No. 2001/177 of 25 July 2001 on the organisation of the Ministry of Defence).
- Various directors:
2001 – 2004 : Colonel BANDA Dieudonné;
2004 – 2005 : Colonel TEIFOUET Thomas Joseph;
2005 – 2010 : Colonel NOAH Emmanuel Théophane;
2010 – 2015 : Colonel ONDO EYINDANGA Gabriel Grégoire;
2015 – 2020 : Colonel SALIHOU SADOU;
2020 – 2021 : Colonel OKOA NGUELE François;
2021 – : Colonel MOHAMADOU ABDOU
The Directorate of Military Property and Infrastructure is placed under the authority of an officer director appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, who may be assisted by an assistant director, officer or civil servant appointed by order of the President of the Republic, to carry out his duties.
The DDMI is made up of :
works control and monitoring brigade: placed under the authority of a Brigade Chief appointed by order of the President of the Republic; the Brigade Chief has the rank and prerogatives of Deputy Director.
Technical Studies Department: comprising 03 Offices;
- Standardisation Office
- Plans Office
- Evaluation and Cost Office
Infrastructure Department: comprising 02 Offices;
- Technical Studies Office
- Works Monitoring and Execution Office
Military Property Department: Comprising 02 Offices ;
- Military Property Management and Supervision Office
- Property Agreements Office
IT Department: comprising 03 Offices:
- Analysis and Programming Office
- Data Entry and Reprography Office
- Coding Office
Departments reporting to the Director
- SECRETARIAT; responsible for monitoring and archives
- GENERAL MEANS OFFICE; responsible for finance
- MATERIAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE; responsible for controlling expenditure and receiving materials
- CASERNMENT OFFICE; responsible for managing technicians
- LEGAL OFFICE ; deals with litigation relating to military estates.
The Directorate of Military Property and Infrastructure is located in the heart of Yaoundé, at Plateau Atemengue in the Quartier Général district, and shares the same buildings as the Directorate of Budget and Equipment.

To present the organisation of the Directorate of Military Property and Infrastructure, we need to highlight its organisational chart and its remit.

- The missions of the DDMI, as defined in article 55 of decree no. 2001/177 of 25 July 2001, on the organisation of the Ministry of Defence, are as follows:
- Identifying, acquiring, registering and monitoring military land;
- The technical study, programming and planning of infrastructure works for the Armed Forces and the National Gendarmerie in liaison with the various Headquarters;
- Drawing up directives relating to the standardisation of military barracks construction;
- Technical control of infrastructure work carried out by contractors or on a contract basis, in liaison with the specialist services of the Armed Forces and the Gendarmerie;
- Investigating and monitoring disputes relating to infrastructure works, in conjunction with the Administrative and Regulatory Affairs Department and the Budget and Equipment Department;
- Management of buildings (housing and administrative buildings) under agreement and state ownership in liaison with the Ministry in charge of Property, Cadastre and Land Affairs;
- Monitoring and controlling the consumption of electricity and water.
Brigade Commander: LCL MENGA HORSALA
To carry out a control mission (MDC) or the market engineer of the public works and those of the Budget and Public Investment;
Audit missions on the execution of infrastructure works and on all operations related to the management of the estates;
Internal audit missions are ordered by the Director of Military Estates and Infrastructure.
Head of Department: CC KENFOUO TIOPI RONEL
- To handle all technical studies in military fields;
- Monitor standards;
- Draw up plans;
- Evaluate the various costs;
It comprises three (03) offices:
The Standardisation Office , which is responsible for compliance with and respect for standards
- The Plans Office , which is responsible for graphic documents
- The Evaluation and Costing Office , which applies the price schedule.
- The Evaluation and Costing Office , which applies the price schedule.
Head of Department: CNE BIANG NZIOU GERARD
It is responsible for the management of built and unbuilt property belonging to the military administration, in particular the identification, acquisition, registration and monitoring of military land.
It has two (02) offices and a cell:
- The Bureau de la Gestion et Surveillance des Domaines Militaires, which oversees the maintenance and upkeep of housing and buildings under agreement and state ownership; monitors and controls the consumption of electricity and water.
- The Property Agreements Office, which is responsible for the administrative management of the estate, monitoring administrative leases and archiving agreement files.
- Documents required for a Property Agreement
- 01 Stamped application addressed to MINDEF/DDMI ;
- 01 appraisal report
- 01 Legalised copy of the National Identity Card;
- 01 site plan (location)
- 01 Certificate of signature
- 01 Copy of land title;
- Internal and external photos of the building;
- 01 Certificate of direct debit;
- Various plans, each in 03 copies;
- 01 Certificate of ownership
- 01 Certificate of registration.
LE service des infrastructures (SINFRA)
- He/she is responsible for :
- Management of the DDMI’s IT equipment;
- Installing, maintaining and securing the operating system and information on the intranet and internet computer network;
- The design of software for managing and monitoring military domains;
- Defining all the internal communication resources needed to implement new projects,
- Supervising the purchase of IT equipment and software,
- defining norms and standards for databases, system tools and computer networks;
SINFO comprises three (03) offices:
- the analysis and programming office
It acts as an interface for the expression of support needs for the design, implementation and maintenance of software and programmes. It develops programmes and software adapted to operations.
- Computer data entry office
Receives all documents to be processed, checks them, enters them and formats them.
- thecoding office
Establishes the coding and monitoring system for controlling military property (housing, land, etc.) in conjunction with the Joint Commissariat Directorate (DIRCIA).
Head of Secretariat: ACM NJIMAN NJIMAN Roger
Mission: in charge of monitoring and archives.
Head of Unit : Mr ATANGANA Gulda Pierre
Mission: in charge of managing the various litigation cases relating to military matters.
Head of Office : Lt MAIRAMOU MBOULA
Mission: in charge of finance.
Chef Bureau : A/C AKAMBA Babette
- Advise the Director in the following areas
- Formalise equipment orders, receive, store and keep them and, if necessary, send them to users;
- Monitor expenditure.
Head of Unit: LT AYAMBA TAKU Raoul
- Carry out topographical surveys and studies on MINDEF state-owned sites;
- Secure military sites and estates.
As part of the regalian missions of the Ministry of Defence, tasks are divided between different directorates, staff and other structures. The Directorate of Military Property and Infrastructure carries out the following activities:
- Monitoring and control of water and electricity consumption;
- Management of built and unbuilt property belonging to the military administration in liaison with MINDCAF;
- Technical control of infrastructure works carried out by contractors or on a contract basis, in liaison with the DAAR and the DBE;
- Drawing up guidelines for the standardisation of military barracks construction;
- Technical study, programming and planning of infrastructure works for the Armed Forces and the National Gendarmerie in liaison with the various Headquarters;
- Identification, acquisition, registration and surveillance of MINDEF property.
The actions carried out by the Military Estates and Infrastructure Department have resulted in :
- Improved working conditions in various units;
- Acquiring land titles and securing MINDEF state-owned sites;
- Optimised monitoring of military estates;
- Reduced credit losses;
- Improving the quality of works;
- Controlling water and energy consumption;
- Resolving land disputes;
- Fully secure MINDEF’s real estate assets;
- Acquire others;
- Complete the construction of the various command posts;
- Set up a plan to complete the construction of barracks;
- Acquire military estate management software;
- Set up a civil engineering laboratory;
- Set up a mini fleet of civil engineering equipment (tipper lorry, mobile metal scaffolding, etc.);
- Acquire vehicles for control (pick-ups) and liaison (motorbikes).