NEWS AND ACTIVITIES of the Department Budget and Equipment
The Director of Budget and Equipment

Navy Captain Mintanga Balthazar
Born on 4 February 1969 in Yaounde
Holder of a Master’s Degree in Public Law from the University of Yaoundé
Chief administration course in the Navy from Ecole du commissariat, Toulon ,1993-1996 Georges LEYGUE batch
- Parachutist certificate
- Staff certificate
- Certificat logistique 1er degré (1st degree logistics certificate ), Tours
- Law and order certificate in CORWALLIS,Canada
- Attestation of public management, ISMP
- Attestation of audit and control of conformity, CONSUPE.
1°) The Department of Budget and Equipment shall be placed under the authority of a director, an officer appointed by decree of the President of the Republic and assisted, if need be, by a deputy , an officer or civil servant appointed by order of the President of the Republic.
The Director of Budget and Equipment shall have under his authority,Research Officers and Assistant Research Officers, officers or civil servants appointed by order of the President of the Republic.
2°) The Director of Budget and Equipment may receive by order of the Minister in charge of Defence, delegation of signature for certain matters within his competence.
3°) The ranks and prerogatives of the officers referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be laid down by separate instruments.
The Department of Budget and Equipment shall comprise:
– the secretariat ;
– the Means Bureau:
– the Stores Bureau;
– the Budget Execution Control Bureau;
– the Data-Processing Service ;
– the Budget Preparation Service;
– the Budget Execution Service;
– the Contracts Service.
1°) The Control brigade shall carry out an internal audit mission on the execution
of the budget and contracts.
2°) The Control brigade shall be placed under the authority of a brigade head
appointed by order of the President of the Republic. The head brigade shall have rank andprerogatives of a deputy director .He shall have Research Officers and Assistant Research Officers under his authority.
3°) Internal audit shall be carried on the instructions of the Director of Budget and
Under the authority of a service head, the Data-Processing Service shall comprise :
– the Analysis and Programming Bureau;
– the Data- Processing Bureau;
– the codification Bureau.
Under the authority of a service head, the Budget Preparation Service shall comprise:
– the Programmes Bureau;
– the Investment Budget Preparation Bureau;
– the Recurrent Budget Preparation Bureau
Under the authority of a service head. the Budget Execution Service shall comprise :
– the Accreditations and Instruments Bureau;
– the Commitments Bureau;
– the Transport and Transit Bureau.
Under the authority of a service head, the Contracts Service shall comprise:
– the Contracts, Supplies and Services Bureau;
– the Equipment Contracts Bureau;
– the Infrastructure Contracts Bureau.
Organisational chart

The Department of Budget and Equipment shall be in charge of:
– preparing the recurrent budget and following up its execution:
– preparing the public investment budget and following up of its execution,
– providing the Army with major equipment in conjunction with the National Gendarmerie, the Defence Staff and its various headquarters ;
– following up the execution of army equipment programmes and preparing reports on their execution;
– supporting the services of the central administration ;
– Armed Forces stores;
– problems relating to the transport of equipment and transit.