NEWS AND ACTIVITIES of The Department of Military Justice
The Director of Military Justice

- 1°) The Department of Military Justice shall be placed under the authority of a director, an officer who shall be a Legal and Judicial Officer or a civilian Legal and Judicial Officer appointed by order of the President of the Republic, assisted , if need be,by a deputy director who shall be an officer,Legal and Judicial Officer appointed by order of the President of the Republic.
- 2°) The Director of Military Justice may receive by order of the Minister in charge of Defence, delegation of signature for certain matters within his competence.
- 3°) The ranks and prerogatives of the officers referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be laid down by separate instruments
- The Department of Military Justice shall comprise :
– the Secretariat;
– the Means Bureau;
– the Stores Bureau;
– the Data-Processing Service;
– the Legal and Penitentiary Affairs Service;
– the Studies, Legal Documentation and Library Service;
– the Administrative Affairs, Military Legal and Judicial Officers and the Military and Civilian Legal Personnel Service.
- Under the authority of a service head, the Data-Processing Service shall comprise:
–the Analysis and Programming Bureau;
–the Computer Bureau;
–the codification Bureau office.
- Under the authority of a service head, the Legal Affairs and Penitentiary Service shall comprise:
–the Legal Affairs Bureau;
–the Penitentiary Affairs Bureau.
- Under the authority of a service head, the Studies, Legal Documentation and Library Service shall comprise:
–the Studies Bureau;
–the Legal Documentation and Library Bureau.
- Under the authority of a service head, Administrative Affairs, Military Legal and, Judicial Officers, Military and Civilian Personnel Service shall comprise:
–the Administrative Affairs Bureau;
–the Military Legal and Judicial Officers, Civilian Legal and Judicial Officers, Military and Civilian Personnel Bureau.
Organisational chart

- The Department of Military Justice shall be in charge of :
– matters relating to the organisation and functioning of military courts;
– following up the professional training of Military Legal Officers as well as their management in conjunction with the Department of Human Resources, the Gendarmerie and Defence Headquarters ;
– preparating decisions and notices relating to prosecution;
– distributing prosecution, cessation of prosecution and sentence notices in the gendarmerie, the Defence staff and the services concerned;
– controlling remands in custody and enforcement of sentences;
– preparing files for appeals for pardon and release on parole;
– liaising with the various ministries concerned with the functioning of military justice.