Professional reconversion for Ex-Servicemen: a new batch on the ground
Over a two-week period, ex-servicemen and military personnel due to retire received specialised training in agroforestry and entrepreneurship, provided by some of CAPEF's operational units and the Obala Agricultural Institute, thanks to a partnership with the Ministry of Defence.

Ambam, Binguela, Dizanguè, Guinlay, Hangloa, Kouoptamo, Obala and Sanguéré are the locations that served as the setting for the synchronised training of ex-service personnel and those about to retire.  This intensive training took place from 3 to 16 September 2024, under the leadership of Mr. KOUMPA ISSA, Secretary of State to the Minister of Defence, in charge of Ex-Servicemen and War Victims.

Retirement is not necessarily an achievement per se, but rather a new beginning. This positive perception of retirement is widely shared by ex-servicemen who, since 2022, have been turning up in large numbers at the Secretary of State for Defence in charge of Ex-servicemen and War Victims  to take advantage of the various training courses organised for them.

    Having been trained in the use of weapons, most military personnel who have returned to civilian life need professional reconversion in order to engage in income-generating activities. Professional reconversion of military personnel is one of the priorities of the SED/CACVG, which is strongly supported by programme 004 of the Ministry of Defence, in line with the SND30.  Ultimately, the aim of this professional reconversion is to facilitate the socio-economic reintegration of ex-service personnel at the end of their active service under the flag. Remember that since 2023, military personnel about to retire have also been taken into account in these training courses to help them prepare for their retirement.

Therefore, from 03 to 16 September 2024, the “Ecole Pratique d’Agriculture et du Bois d’Ambam”, the Binguela Practical School of Agriculture, the Dizangue Practical School of Agriculture and Agro-industry, the Guinlay Practical School of Agriculture and Agroforestry, the Hangloa Practical School of Agriculture and Zootechnics, the “Ecole Pratique d’Agriculture et d’Elevage de Kouoptamo”, “Ecole Pratique d’Agriculture et d’Elevage de Sanguéré” and the Obala Agricultural Institute have simultaneously trained 500 ex-servicemen in their respective agro-ecological zones in animal and plant production as well as in entrepreneurship, through the new proximity approach.

After 14 days of incubation in these operational units of the Chamber of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Forestry (CAPEF), and the Obala Agricultural Institute, the trainees came away with business plans drawn up by themselves and approved by the supervisors.  Hence their great motivation and determination to immediately apply the knowledge and know-how they have acquired through a binary teaching structure of 30% theory and 70% practice. Fully prepared, they are committed to meeting the new challenge of contributing to food security, in line with the government’s import-substitution policy.

Clearly, ex-servicemen’s professional reconversion leads to socio-economic reintegration.  To this end, the public authorities and certain financial institutions have set up an appropriate system to support those who have come together to form Common Initiative Groups (GICs) or Cooperatives.

Until next year, we look forward to training another batch of ex-servicemen and women and military personnel on their way to retirement /-.


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Professional reconversion for Ex-Servicemen: a new batch on the ground

Over a two-week period, ex-servicemen and military personnel...