
A pension is a personal, life-long pecuniary allowance granted to military personnel and, after their death, to their claimants as remuneration for the services they have performed up to the termination of their service (Cf. Decree No. 76/460 of October 12, 1976).

  Pensions include :

  • Retirement pension
  • Disability pension
  • Survivor pension and lump-sum death benefit for servicemen who died in active service
  • Survivor pension for deceased Ex-Serviceman
  • Temporary orphans pension
  • Ascendant pension
  • Old-age pension (Civilian personnel covered by the Labour Code)

Disability pension

  • Who is entitled?

Any active or retired serviceman or woman suffering from an illness or disability caused by his or her service, and whose case has been validated by the reform commission,   irrespective of the number of years of service.

  • File composition
  1. Stamped application form
  2. Pay slip
  3. Certified copy of birth certificate or national identity card
  4. Copy of ministerial decision granting disability pension
  5. Copie certifiée de l’acte de naissance ou de la carte d’identité nationale
  6. Copy of marriage certificate
  7. Copy of children’s birth certificates
  8. Joint residence certificate
  9. School attendance certificate
  10. Bulletin de solde

Survivor pension for deceased Ex-Serviceman

  • Who is entitled?

The claimants of any military member who has died after retirement, with or without a document granting a retirement pension.

  • File composition
  1. Stamped application form
  2. Copy of ministerial decision granting the deceased serviceman’s retirement pension (if any)
  3. Copy of death certificate
  4. Copy of wife’s or husband’s national identity card
  5. Copy of ministerial decision granting disability pension
  6. Certified copy of national identity card
  7. Certificate of account opening (if applicable)
  8. Certificate of residence
  9. Decree granting retirement pension (for pensioners)

Retirement pension

  • Who is entitled?

Any military personnel with at least 15 years of effective service.

  • File composition
  1. Stamped application form
  2. Decree or decision of retirement
  3. Service records
  4. Certificate of residence
  5. Certified copy of birth certificate or national identity card
  6. Copy of marriage certificate
  7. Copies of children’s birth certificates
  8. Joint residence certificate
  9. School attendance certificate
  10. Pay slip


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