Bakassi peninsula : BETI ASSOMO galvanizes troop.
From Kidjimatari, Fotokol, Mamfe, Kye-Ossi, the Central African Republic, Tibati, Dschang, Garoua-Boulai and now the Bakassi peninsula are the itineraries that the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in Charge of Defence, Joseph Beti Assomo had visited since he took to the helm of the Ministry of Defence.

Upon arrival at the Command Post of BIR Delta in Jabane, a locality in the Bakassi peninsula in the early hours on the 31st of December 2023, he visited the dispensary of BIR Delta and the Gendarmerie Brigade of Jabane. He as well communion with the troop of the Second Joint Military Region amidst a cross section of administrative, traditional and military officials not forgetting the illustrous population of Jabane who listened to the traditional state address by the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, His Excellency President Paul Biya on eve into the year 2024.

Follow suite after the speech by the Head of State, Minister Joseph Beti Assomo shared a common meal with the troop and a toast was given at exactly midnight. A way of galvanizing the troop in the execution of their regalian duties as they cross over to the new year 2024 with more impetus and dedication.

In the early hours of January 1, 2024, the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in Charge of Defence awarded epaulets to some meritorious personnel to higher ranks for the 1st semester of the 2024 budgetary year in the Ministry of Defence.

From the Bakassi peninsula, the MINDEF headed for the Littoral Region where he performed a similar ritual of award of epaulets at the ceremonial ground of Bessengue.

It should be noted that, these zones visited by Minister Joseph Beti Assomo on high instructions of the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces are areas prone by insecurity. Kidjimatari and Fotokol in the Far-North Region are reputed expanses for the incursion of the Boko Haram Sect, Mamfe in the South-West Region once considered as one of the bastions of separatist propensities, Kye-Ossi in South which happens to be a border town whose economic potential can’t be ignored but also characterized by transborder criminality, Central African Republic where he visited the Cameroonian contingent serving under the banner of the United Nation Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission of the Central African Republic MINUSCA, Tibati in the Adamawa Region alleged for transborder criminality, kidnapping for ransom, cattle theft and high way banditry, Dschang in the West Region considered a zone where separatist fighters from the North-West Region are bent at infiltrating, Garoua-Boulai in the East region, a border vicinity where rebels from the Central African Republic are still tussling to use the area as their settlement and the Bakassi peninsula noted for maritime piracy, drug and human trafficking, contraband goods and a lot more.

In a nutshell, since 2015 to date, the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in Charge of Defence has visited these once considered red zones as far as terrorist activities are concern coupled with other related threats. His mission from the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, is communion with the troop, galvanize them congratulate them for their commitment and bravery in the protection of persons, property and the territorial integrity.

It is worth mentioning that, the Bakassi peninsula is made up of 33 villages of which Jabane happens to be one. Jabane is one of the five major settlements of Idabato Sub- Division hosting a population of over 5000 people. It is situated in the east of the headquarters of the Sub-Division, sharing boundary with Idabato. The settlement is hosting the seat of BIR DELTA. This explains why Jabane has, and is still benefiting much from the BIR DELTA in terms of assistance; mainly in their civil-military actions.