Secretary of State to the Minister of Defence in charge of the National Gendarmerie
Secrétaire d’État auprès du Ministre de la Défense chargé de la Gendarmerie Nationale
Fight against drug trafficking and crime
As part of the fight against the trafficking, sale and use of drugs, the Douala 1 Gendarmerie...
On 16 April 2024, between 06 and 08 a.m., elements of the Kondengui Gendarmerie Brigade raided the...

Combatting human bone trafficking : the Airport 1 Gendarmerie Brigade nabs two individuals caught red-handed selling a human skeleton

Fight against drug trafficking : a dangerous dealer nabbed in Douala

Fight againt drug trafficking : elements of the MEWOULOU Gendarmerie post nab an alleged dealer.

Fight against human bone trafficking : The littoral Gendarmerie Legion busts a gang of alleged traffickers.

Sweep operation : The Kondengui Gendarmerie Brigade nabs a gang of alleged drug dealers.
Road Safety
In a bid to curb the ever increasing number of fatal accidents on our major roads, the National...
Driving is a sensory-motor activity that requires the driver to take responsibility. Driving after...

Road safety : the National Gendarmerie introduces drones into its surveillance system to curb road accidents

Road Safety : the National Gendarmerie and Road Transport Unions of the First Gendarmerie Region speak with one voice for an accident-free back-to-school