End of Seminar on Artificial Intelligencz at the Simbock International War College.
The three-day seminar on Artificial Intelligence at the International War College of Simbock that ran from May 29 to 31, 2024 drew it curtains in a ceremony presided at by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defence, Saïd Kamsouloum.

The seminar was centered on the resolutions adopted after different workshops under the theme, ‘Artificial Intelligence, Opportunity or threat in Africa’.

Prof Alain-Didier Olinga, Technical adviser in the Ministry of Defence and General Moderator of the conclusive phase of this seminar alongside the Moderators of the three panels under Professors: Marcel Fouda Ndjodo, Mathias-Eric Owona Nguini and Navy Captain Sylvain Ndutumu brainstormed over the subject of this seminar and were glad to announce that Africa for the first time isn’t indifferent to the trends of the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ ; that of Artificial Intelligence.

Seeing Artificial Intelligence as one of the criteria for international power, they stressed on the need for African governments and policies to take into consideration this tool which for a greater part is gradually replacing human efforts, producing better productivity and under very limited deadlines. They Called on the responsibility of producers of these tools and users so that it’s development and propagation doesn’t be a cause for regret.

As is the custom of the authorities of the Simbock International War College to organize seminars as part of the school curriculum, trainee officers from different countries brainstormed on pertinent issues across the globe. The 19th batch of trainees of this prestigious pool of excellence hails from 25 countries from four Continents namely Africa, America, Europe and Asia.