The Administrative Procedures Manual of the Ministry of Defence was developed in line with the implementation of the National Governance Programme (NGP) approved on 29 June 2000 by the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA.

It should be recalled that one of the main objectives of this Programme, revised in 2005, is to establish a “modern Public Administration” that is efficient; citizenoriented and truly at the service of the user. It is harmoniously integrated into Cameroon’s 2035 economic and social development strategy, whose reference frameworks include the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (GESP) and the National Development Strategy 2020 – 2030 (NDS30), among others.

By making this Administrative Procedures Manual available to the Public, the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) intends to improve the service provided to users by popularising the principles of administrative management which take into account the specificities of various professions involved in the accomplishment of its missions.

This managerial approach is intended to translate into action the esteemed instructions of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, as contained in Instruction No. 003/CAB/PM of 24 January 2001, which calls upon Ministers to streamline the time frames and procedures for processing files in public services, as well as to improve the information made available to users.

In this light, we wish that this Manual enable our collaborators and the entire staff of the Ministry of Defence to be clearly informed and educated on the procedures in force and to serve as a reference framework for the processing of staff files.

May this Administrative Procedures Manual of the Ministry of Defence contribute to improving the governance of our Ministry and to tackling abuses./-

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