Before the launch of operation “control –surveillance –Repression ” of traffic offenses, the average monthly traffic casualties attributable to road accidents in Cameroon highways rose sharply from 107 in 2010 to 159 in the first half of 2011. With this sharp increase in the number of road accidents the National Gendarmerie has made the fight against road insecurity a core strategic priority in connection with its sovereign assigned mission of protecting persons and property, Therefore, under the leadership of the Head of State and drawing from the determination of the Government against the backdrop of the 2011-2020 decade proclaimed the “Decade of action for Road safety” by the United Nations, the National Gendarmerie set up the nationwide operation dubbed “Control-surveillance-Repression” of traffic offences .

As part of this operation, while addressing the important aspect of sensitizing road users, the National Gendarmerie ensure the effective enforcement of the repressive mechanism, with particular emphasis on sections 606 et seq. of the criminal procedure code that authorizes criminal investigation officers to collect fixed fines. Also, appropriate substantial means have been acquired in order to improve the operational capacities of motorized road units.

Thanks to the efficient work of the National Gendarmerie teams, statistics now show a gradual reduction in the frequency of road traffic accidents since the second quarter of 2011.Today, this operation is in its third generation and its specificity is to carry out mobile controls on roads. Thus, it has contributed to a reduction by 33% and 40% of the number of accidents and of deaths, respectively. The operation has proved to be extremely helpful.

Specific Missions

Combine prevention, awareness and education, with particular efforts to crack down on reckless driving, in accordance with the requirements of the criminal procedure code, the CEMAC


These fines refer to offence punishable by a fixed fine of 2.400 FCFA


These fines refer to offences punishable by a fixed fine of 3.400 FCFA


These refer to offences punishable by a fixed fine of 25.000 FCFA

The art 18(1) b of law n° 96/07 of 8 april 1996 amended and supplemented by law n° 2004/021 of 22 july 2004 extends, inter alia, from 25000FCFA to 75000 FCFA for overloading.


In case of a highway code violation, the officer has two options under the principle of the least constraint:

  1. The road user who is fined accepts to pay the fine on the spot. Thus, a receipt from the counterfoil book, numbered and signed by the relevant state counsel, is issued to him immediately.
  2. The road user who is fined is usable to pay his fine, their statement is taken in a report and then forwarded to the relevant state counsel.