Fight against organised crime and large scale banditry : The Bertoua Gendarlmerie Company at work.
Acting on information, the Bertoua Gendarmerie Company raided Bakongo, a village in the Mandjou sub-division, precisely at a place called "Yaounde" on Monday 8 April 2024, at about 3 p.m..

Coordinated by the Colonel commanding the East Gendarmerie Legion, this operation led to the arrest of 04 individuals aged between 19 and 36, including a lady.

A search of their base led to the seizure of several dangerous items and products. These include two 12 gauge locally-made weapons with 03 ammunitions, 210 wraps of Indian hemp, 13 blister packs of narcotic tablets, 03 blister packs of diazepam and 04 kilograms of Indian hemp.

The investigation initiated by the Bertoua Gendarmerie Company is ongoing, in view of dismantling the entire ring.