With the rise of insecurity in the town of Mfou and as part of Operation Tentacles, the Mfou and Yaounde III Gendarmerie companies, joined by elements from the High Command for Gendarmerie Schools and Training Centres (CECIG), raided the dangerous and crime-ridden neighbourhood of Ngona-Nbansan,
Two major drug dealers known as Onambele and Wouawoua were arrested during this operation coordinated by the Commander of the Centre Gendarmerie Legion. Both were found in possession of 173 wraps of Indian hemp and other equipment of illicit origin, such as 03 TV sets, 02 speakers, 03 water pumps and 01 sprayer.
Consequently, 04 TV sets, 32 unlicenced motorcycles, 01 vehicle without any registration document, 01 pistol and 01 crowbar were seized.
Launched in 2023 by the Secretary of State to the Minister of Defence in charge of the National Gendarmerie in all 11 Gendarmerie Legions, Operation Tentacles aims to clean up urban and peri-urban areas of the country, to stamp out serious crime and ultimately give people peace of mind.