EDUCATIONAL TOUR: GOIGN hosts trainees of the 20th class of the Yaounde international war college (ESIG)
The training center of the Multipurpose Intervention Regiment of the National Gendarmerie (GPIGN), based in Mbankomo, was the venue for an educational tour for the 20th class of the Yaounde International War College (ESIG).

Coordinated by the GPIGN Commander, Lieutenant-Colonel BIOGOLO Zéphyrin, the visit included a presentation of the GPIGN, an indoor presentation of a scenario on a hostage rescue exercise, a demonstration of the rescue exercise and a presentation of equipment.

Regarding the presentation of the GPIGN, it should be noted that the missions of the Multipurpose Intervention Regiment of the National Gendarmerie are crowd control and public order management; combating organized crime (rural and urban armed gangs); protecting sensitive areas and high profile officials; counter- terrorism; emergency intervention against hostage-taking, air and sea piracy; and escorting sensitive convoys.

Trainees equally benefited from a dynamic presentation of a hostage rescue exercise using live ammunitions, accompanied by the destruction of a suspicious parcel.

The final stage of the educational tour of the about sixty ESIG trainees was dedicated to the presentation of equipment (advanced gear)


used by this specialized unit, which is a source of pride for the High Command.