Drink-driving: a dangerous and deadly feat
Driving is a sensory-motor activity that requires the driver to take responsibility. Driving after consuming alcohol or any other psychoactive substance puts you at risk of accidents.
Alcohol has a direct effect on brain function. It narrows the field of vision, increases the effect of dazzle, impairs the ability to judge distances and, above all, reduces reflexes by increasing reaction time, as drunk drivers underestimate the danger and take greater risks. From 0.5g of alcohol per liter of blood or 0.2mg of alcohol per liter of exhaled air, the risk of a fatal accident is multiplied.
Some signs of drunkenness: alcoholic breath, whether or not detected by a breathalyser or an ethylotest, an angry or aggressive attitude, incoherent speech, physical imbalance, concentration of alcohol in the blood, and so on.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or intoxicants is an offence punishable in Cameroon by . Penalties range from fines and imprisonment to the withdrawal of a driver’s license or a ban on obtaining one for two (2) years.
Good To Know: Only time allows sobering up and dissipating the effect of alcohol; this time depends on certain criteria such as the type and quantity of alcohol or substance ingested, consumption habits, as well as the weight, sex, age of the individual.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous, so let’s avoid getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol or any medication that may affect our sensory abilities.
Road safety is everyone’s business, so let’s be responsible.