Discover the Gendarme of the month

Born on 27 April 1993 in Yaounde, ETOA ATANGANA Sandrine hails from Obokoe village in the Ngoumou Sub-division, Mefou and Akono Division, in the Centre Region.

Obituary : The National Gendarmerie mourns

The National Gendarmerie announces with deep sorrow the death of Mr ALEOKOL Jean Marie, in the hearly hours of this Sunday, June 30 2024 in Yaounde, following an illness.

Colonel MEYONG Patrice bids farewell to Arms

On Friday 28 June 2024, Brigadier General ELOKOBI Daniel NJOCK, Central Director of Coordination (GB/DCC) chaired the farewell cocktail party for Colonel MEYONG Patrice, the outgoing Director of Administrative, Financial and Land Affairs of the National Gendarmerie.