Make sure you read !

The corps of commissioned officers in the national gendarmerie is grouped into two categories: junior officers and senior officers.

The first category includes the following ranks :

– Sub-lieutenant

– Lieutenant

– Captain


Those wishing to join the corps of Commissioned Officers of the National Gendarmerie have three (03) options:

– Direct competitive examination into the Combined Military Academy (EMIA) organized by the Ministry of Defence following the conditions laid down in a press release from the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence.

– Internal competitive examination open only to Non-commissioned Officers under well-defined conditions.

– Normal advancement in rank.


The direct competitive examination into the corps of Commissionned Officers takes place in four stages, during which candidates who fail to meet the requirements are gradually eliminated: the preliminary medical check-up, the physical fitness checks, the written tests, the in-depth medical examinations and the oral tests.

Candidates who do not meet the required conditions will be progressively eliminated. Those who are finally admitted into EMIA shall undergo a military training whose duration varies according to the trunk in which the candidate is admitted during the competitive exam. This training concludes with a Triumph ceremony presided over by the President of the Republic, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

Upon graduation, officers who are selected for the National Gendarmerie during an “Amphi corps” are admitted into the Practical Training School for Officers of the National Gendarmerie (EAOGN) within the High Command for Gendarmerie Schools and Training Centres (CECIG), where they will get a 10-month practicum for National Gendarmerie Officers (SAOGN).


Non-commissioned Officers of the National Gendarmerie can be admitted to the corps of Commissioned Officers through a competitive examination into EMIA organized by the Ministry of Defence, or through a foreign military academy as part of cooperation.

Applicants must fulfill these two requirements :

– have a minimum of five (05) years of service

– have the required age limit.

Those who get their final admission into EMIA undergo a two-year (02) training, including the probationary year (Common basic training) and the initial training year. On completion of these two years at EMIA, these Gendarmerie Officers will equally undergo a 10-month practical training course at the School of Gendarmerie Officers.


Advancement in rank, which involves Non-commissioned Officers with the rank of Senior Warrant Officer to be promoted to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant, takes place by compiling a file and following well-defined conditions.

Those who become Officers by this means undergo a 06-month practical training course at the School of Gendarmerie Officers.

Nota: a Sub-Lieutenant must complete 24 months of actual service for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, whereas a Lieutenant must complete five (05) years of actual service for promotion to the rank of Captain. And to move from the rank of Lieutenant to Captain, you must have spent five (05) years in the rank of Lieutenant.


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