Fight against large scale banditry and organized crime: the Ntui Territorial Gendarmerie Brigade get things in order.

Acting on information, the Ntui Gendarmerie Brigade conducted a series of raids from February 03 to 07, 2024, under the supervision of the Ntui Gendarmerie Company Commander. Consequently, a gang of criminals majoring in motorbike theft, burglaries, sale of Indian hemp and illegal possession of firearms was broken up.
Fight against large scale banditry: The National Gendarmerie remains watchful.

After a number of complaints and reports, the Yaounde I Gendarmerie Company carried out a raid at “Carrefour MEEC” in Yaounde.
Fight against drug and narcotics trafficking: theKye-ossi Gendarmerie Brigade seizes 13 kg of indian hemp.

Acting on information from the population, this large stock of Indian hemp hidden in a carton was seized at the Kye-Ossi market on 27 December 2023, during a search by elements of the Kye-Ossi Brigade.
Fight against urban criminality in Douala: The Ndogbong brigade arrest an alleged cannabis dearler

A patrol was immediately deployed to the area. Having met the caller, he led the finest detectives of this unit to the place where he was assaulted at around 8:25 p.m. As they approached an old building, Gendarmes were surprised